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Many patients with Alzheimer's dementia (AD) also exhibit noncognitive symptoms such as sensorimotor deficits, which can precede the hallmark cognitive deficits and significantly impact daily activities and an individual's ability to live independently. However, the mechanisms underlying sensorimotor dysfunction in AD and their relationship with cognitive decline remains poorly understood, due in part to a lack of translationally relevant animal models. To address this, we recently developed a novel model of genetic diversity in Alzheimer's disease, the AD‐BXD genetic reference panel. In this study, we investigated sensorimotor deficits in the AD‐BXDs and the relationship to cognitive decline in these mice. We found that age‐ and AD‐related declines in coordination, balance and vestibular function vary significantly across the panel, indicating genetic background strongly influences the expressivity of the familial AD mutations used in the AD‐BXD panel and their impact on motor function. Although young males and females perform comparably regardless of genotype on narrow beam and inclined screen tasks, there were significant sex differences in aging‐ and AD‐related decline, with females exhibiting worse decline than males of the same age and transgene status. Finally, we found that AD motor decline is not correlated with cognitive decline, suggesting that sensorimotor deficits in AD may occur through distinct mechanisms. Overall, our results suggest that AD‐related sensorimotor decline is strongly dependent on background genetics and is independent of dementia and cognitive deficits, suggesting that effective therapeutics for the entire spectrum of AD symptoms will likely require interventions targeting each distinct domain involved in the disease.  相似文献   

Heavy metals phytoextraction potential of swollen duckweed (Lemna gibba Linn.) and lesser duckweed (Lemna aequinoctialis Welw.) was determined under greenhouse conditions by exposing to untreated industrial/municipal effluent for a period of 21?days. The nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in water samples were measured weekly and in plant biomass at the termination of experiments. Significant differences (p?<?0.05) between initial and final physicochemical parameters and in heavy metal concentrations of plant and water samples were observed. Periodically measured metal concentrations in mediums revealed that removal percentage was dependent on initial Ni (2.15?mg L?1), Pb (1.51?mg L?1), and Cd (0.74?mg L?1) concentrations. The final metal removal percentages were in the sequence of Ni (97%) > Pb (94%) > Cd (90%) when treated with Lemna gibba L. as compared to control (9–12% reduction). High biomass production of Lemna gibba L. resulted in a large metal reduction in the growth medium and the total plant metal contents were in the sequence of Ni (427?µg) > Pb (293?µg) > Cd (105?µg). The lesser duckweed did not survive under experimental conditions. Based on these results, we concluded that Lemna gibba L. is a good candidate for phytoremediation of wastewater.  相似文献   
Whole‐cell biocatalysis for C–H oxyfunctionalization depends on and is often limited by O2 mass transfer. In contrast to oxygenases, molybdenum hydroxylases use water instead of O2 as an oxygen donor and thus have the potential to relieve O2 mass transfer limitations. Molybdenum hydroxylases may even allow anaerobic oxyfunctionalization when coupled to anaerobic respiration. To evaluate this option, the coupling of quinoline hydroxylation to denitrification is tested under anaerobic conditions employing Pseudomonas putida (P. putida) 86, capable of aerobic growth on quinoline. P. putida 86 reduces both nitrate and nitrite, but at low rates, which does not enable significant growth and quinoline hydroxylation. Introduction of the nitrate reductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa enables considerable specific quinoline hydroxylation activity (6.9 U gCDW?1) under anaerobic conditions with nitrate as an electron acceptor and 2‐hydroxyquinoline as the sole product (further metabolization depends on O2). Hydroxylation‐derived electrons are efficiently directed to nitrate, accounting for 38% of the respiratory activity. This study shows that molybdenum hydroxylase‐based whole‐cell biocatalysts enable completely anaerobic carbon oxyfunctionalization when coupled to alternative respiration schemes such as nitrate respiration.  相似文献   
裘丽  唐吉斯 《生态学报》2019,39(1):73-84
从整体性治理理论视角出发,深入分析了草原生态补偿政策实施过程中的管制与治理维度,认为草原生态补偿政策是一个"管制平衡"导向型政策,进而提出从"参与式干预发展"的角度对该政策的实施效果进行综合性评价。基于内蒙古锡林郭勒典型草原的一个纯牧业嘎查(村庄)的案例研究,将参与式干预发展评价(PADev)方法的应用进行了详细呈现,并获得了兼具"形成性"和"主体间性"的综合性评价结论与发现。为验证PADev的适合性和科学性,从"元评价"的角度,进一步呈现了基于生态调研和抽样社会调查的评价,作为PADev方法的"验证性"评价。案例研究发现,草原生态补偿政策的地位和作用体现在"草-畜-人"历史性(长达35年,从1983年牲畜承包开始)发展变迁的结构关系中,从政策作用的末端来评价生态补偿政策所产生的生态效益,比较难以直接确定其因果关系,但从基于制度变迁的路径依赖及未来发展的角度,政府主导的生态补偿政策将积极地促进牧民们的自主整合和适应市场的发展,以及"生态载畜量"和"实际载畜量"的收敛趋同。  相似文献   
我国农业系统可持续发展协调度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张利国  鲍丙飞 《生态学报》2019,39(24):9295-9303
农业系统可持续协调发展作为一种发展理念已成为共识,受到我国政府高度重视。采用2004—2015年我国农业生产面板数据,运用熵值法、探索性空间数据分析等方法分析我国农业系统可持续发展协调度情况。研究结果表明:(1)2004—2015年我国各省(市、自治区)农业各子系统可持续能力之间协调度处于不稳定变动态势,且其协调度值较低。(2)从协调度分布来看,协调度处于"比较协调"和"协调"的省(市、自治区)主要分布在我国的东部和东南部地区,其余大多数省(市、自治区)农业各子系统可持续能力之间的协调度处于"不协调"。(3)从空间自相关性来看,各省(市、自治区)农业各子系统可持续能力之间协调度呈正的全局自相关性且相关程度逐渐增大,而大多数省(市、自治区)农业各子系统可持续能力之间协调度的局部自相关性不显著,且其农业各子系统可持续能力之间协调度空间极化不明显,处于较低水平均衡状态。从时空维度、空间相关性方面分析农业各子系统可持续能力之间协调度,为提高我国农业系统可持续发展水平提供政策建议。  相似文献   
李佳佳  刘宇鹏  韩骥  张超  陈伟强  张力小 《生态学报》2019,39(24):9246-9256
中国快速城市化进程的一个重要特征是以土地为载体,通过大量投入钢铁、水泥等建材大规模修建城市建筑和基础设施,创造出大量的城市生产和生活空间。利用1985—2010年中国省级行政单元城市建成区总面积、城市居住用地总面积、城市住宅总面积和城市住宅建筑材料总使用量等数据,识别城市扩张模式,揭示中国城市化进程中土地、建筑面积及其构筑材料三者间的关系。研究表明2000年是中国城市扩张的重要分界点,2000年之前中国各省份的城市建成区总面积、城市住宅总面积和城市住宅建筑材料总使用量均较小且省份间差异不大,2000年之后三者迅速增长且省份间差异逐渐扩大。在地区尺度上,三者均呈现东部地区最高、中部次之、西部最低的特点,地区内部差异则表现为东部地区最大、西部次之、中部最小的特征。大多数省份的城市住宅总面积及其构筑材料总量随着城市建成区的扩张而增长,表明城市在发展初期以扩大建成区和水平扩张为主。随着城市化水平的不断提高,城市内部空间重组和用地置换导致高层建筑逐步替代了原有的单层或低矮建筑,城市扩张的方向由依赖土地的水平扩张转向以大量使用建筑材料为基础的垂直扩张,使得许多省份的城市住宅总面积逐渐超过辖区内居住用地总面积。这种以建筑材料"创造"出更多"土地"的城市垂直扩张在满足人们对城市生产和生活空间需求的同时,有利于节约土地资源和保护生态空间,但需要以消耗更多的建筑材料并承担建筑材料在开采、制造、运输、使用和废弃过程中所造成的环境影响为代价。  相似文献   
酶在工业上有着广泛应用和巨大潜力,但工业生产中高温、强酸/碱、高盐、有机溶剂和高底物浓度等条件仍然制约着酶的大规模应用。为使酶能更好地在工业环境下发挥催化作用,目前的主要策略是对酶进行适应性改造(如理性或半理性设计、定向进化、固定化等)。文中简要阐述了酶在工业环境下的催化行为以及近年对其适应性改造的研究进展,以期为酶的适应性改造提供参考。  相似文献   
郑小梅  郑平  孙际宾 《生物工程学报》2019,35(10):1955-1973
工业生物技术是以微生物细胞工厂利用可再生的生物原料来生产能源、材料与化学品等的生物技术,在解决资源、能源与环境等问题方面起着越来越重要的作用。系统生物学是全面解析微生物细胞工厂及其发酵过程从"黑箱"到"白箱"的重要研究方法。系统生物学借助基因组、转录组、蛋白质组、代谢组以及代谢流组等多组学数据,可解析微生物细胞工厂在RNA、蛋白与代谢物等不同水平上的变化规律与调控机制。目前,系统生物学在微生物细胞工厂的设计创建与发酵工艺优化中起着越来越重要的指导作用,许多成功应用实例不断涌现,推动着工业生物技术的快速发展。文中重点综述基因组、转录组、蛋白质组、代谢组与代谢流组以及基因组规模的网络模型等各组学技术的最新发展及其在工业生物技术尤其是菌株改造与发酵优化中的应用,并就工业生物技术中系统生物学的未来发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   
The authors of various practitioner and scholarly documents suggest markedly contrasting understandings about the nature of “policy.” These divergent conceptions raise the question: What is at stake by understanding the nature of policy in one way as opposed to another? The purpose of this philosophical inquiry is to interrogate the nature of “policy” as it relates to music education and to question the values that do and might underlie and propagate through contrasting understandings of “policy.” Subsequently, I examine two aspects of policy, problem identification and meaning-making, that have gone largely unexplored in the arts education literature.

Using Foucault's writings, I argue that power-laden policy texts often have the greatest impact, not when they are mandated, but when they go misrecognized as common sense. I also advocate for the consistent use of the terms “policy texts” and “policy actions,” including as an alternative to the imbalanced designations of “soft policies” and “hard policies.” Drawing on Dewey arts educators might form “publics” around problems having consequences that they deem far-reaching, recurrent, and irreparable. Individual and collective political narratives, including what Ganz explains as “stories of self,” “stories of us,” and “stories of now,” can foster the meaningful connections necessary for forming “publics” who address pressing problems in arts education.  相似文献   
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